
Thank you for visiting out our site!

It is without a doubt that appearance makes a significant impact on a person's life. This is the challenge that many patients with Craniofacial Disorders such as Apert Syndrome, would have to face.

But as they say, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What may be pleasing to one person could be an eyesore for the other. We believe that if people are made aware of these disorders, they would be treated with more acceptance and understanding by society.

Our dream is to create a support group for Filipino families dealing with Apert Syndrome or other Craniofacial Syndromes as well as to eventually create awareness and acceptance for our children. If you know of anyone with Apert Syndrome, please leave me a message so that we would eventually be able to form our own network. Thank you and God bless!

Friday, July 8, 2011


Hubs and I were waiting this afternoon at the clinic of Dr. Padilla and Dr. Tansipek for Janina's checkup with the former.  We were leafing through the Mommy Pages directory and when we got to the page where there were support groups for Autism, hubs said that next time we should already be listed on that directory as a support group for Craniofacial families.

I sure hope that will become a reality soon!


  1. Hi. I hope your child is doing well. My newborn daughter is suspected to have Apert. Does a support group now exist? Thanks.

    1. Hi Rommel, we do have a Facebook group:


      Hope to catch you there!
